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Outer space and stars
1. Do you like weekends?
2. What do you usually do on weekends? Do you study or work?
3. What did you do last weekends?
4. Do you make plans for your weekends?
1. For sure! l like weekends very much. Even though sometimes l have to work on weekends, l can still manage my leisure time. Cuz weekends are my precious opportunity to do whatever l want.
2. Most of the time, I would like to hang out with my friends and try some new opened restaurants. And for some reason, l have to work on weekends from time to time. If l do have work stuff to deal with on weekends, basically l will spend all day at my office doing paperworks. Trust me, it’s so freaking boring.
3. Well, last week let me see, one of my friends who live in Chongqing dropped by, and he came to visit me. So l took him to the IFS, which he had never been there before, and we had a breath-taking hot pot. That sensation was super awesome and unforgettable.
Nah, l'm a free soul. Free soul never makes plans, even on weekends. l mean, life is already tiring enough, living in the moment is the best way to get to know the real you. But there is only one occasion that l would make plans for weekends, which is my work stuff, always driving me crazy.