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梅同学 发表于2023-01-31



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Part 2

Describe a website you often visit

You should say:

What it is about

How you found out about it

How often you visit it

And explain why you often visit it


Well, l would like to talk about my favorite English website, called NPR, and the full name is National Public Radio.


It is an international English website that contains all kinds of news and information  from all over the world, the catalog includes healthy, science, culture, the latest news from all countries, and so on.


There is always something for you. You know the funny part is how l notice this kind of website. l remembered that l was browsing the other website that l was fascinated, then there was a recommendation jumped up and covered my original internet page, following many English articles and fabulous pics, that’s how l found this website. 


After that, I visited this website four times a week, and the reason why I did that so frequently is that I can always find the original and authentic English articles up there, and it helps my study a lot ! Because my study requires a lot of knowledge from different perspectives and diverse backgrounds and I can always find the answer that I want on this website, so that I can finish my work as soon as possible, this website is very helpful !

Part 3

1. What are the most popular and least popular apps in China?

2. What's the difference between the Internet and television?

3. Why do people like to read the news on the Internet instead of on TV?

4. Is the library still necessary? Why?

5. What kinds of people would still go to the library to read and study?

6. What are the differences between old people and young people when they use the Internet?



1. Apparently, the most popular App is definitely WeChat, it was an instant hit when it was put on the market. Nearly 70% of Chinese used this App as an communication tool, and a payment platform as well. On the contrary, people despise the App called Pinduoduo, and the favorite and particular thing of this app is letting you share this App itself with your friends and people around you, and then they will transfer money to award you this action, a typical marketing strategy. You know it was so annoying when every time your friends sent you those links and asked you to click, I even got those requests from some friends I don’t get along with and unfamiliar. It truly affects my mood.


2. From my perspective, I feel the biggest discrepancy between those two concepts is the location. You know modern life requires fast speed lifestyle, when we are at work, we can simply grab any information we need immediately just by using the internet on our hands, which means watching television would slow down our efficiency. On the contrary, home is where the love goes, and we can not carry television everywhere, so when we have no work pressure or any errands to run, we can stay at home watching television in no hurry.


3. Simple, the most crucial point is convenience. first of all, we can collect all kinds of information immediately if we use the internet, while the latest information could be delayed by waiting for the television’s updates. Secondly, we can simply select what kind of information we need and can improve our study efficiency just by using the internet on our hands, whereas we can not choose the exact knowledge by watching televisions. One is quicker, another is slower.


4. l think it's quite important to keep the library as it was. As we all know, nowadays we don't have to carry our books wherever we go, we can collect information just by moving our fingers on the phone, but the reason why a library is worth retaining is that human history has left many precious artifacts and documents, it's more like a symbol marking our time, so we can give our next generation a vivid document or account to show our glorious history, let them feel those ancient old books, so that they can learn more from it and eventually become a better man who has conscience and value.


5. To be honest, I think there is a specific answer to that, because everyone can go to the library to read or study. But what I'm trying to say here is like... we do have this type of person who would like go to the library to read and study the most. They must be research workers or scientist, research requires lots of information that we can't search them online, most of the documents and historical accounts reserved in library, so they would go for it. or someone who prefers a quiet environment and is fond of books would like to go to the library to read and study.


6. The first discrepancy between those two types of people using internet is youngster is more familiar with the keyboard, while the old people are not. So in that case, old people usually spend a lot of time trying to figure out how this internet works and where they should they to click. But youngsters don't have a such concern at all. So basically it's about how to use the internet and how to follow those instructions while browsing the website.














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