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Some people say that advertising has positive economic effects. Others think it has negative social effects because it will make people feel dissatisfied with who they are and what they have.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Billboards, leaflets and TV commercials are pervasive in everyday life that constantly expose the average person to the latest and greatest products and services in the market. While applauding their incredible effectiveness in raising public awareness, critics point out that advertising can be bad for our wellbeing, whether or not we realize it.
Some people say that advertising is essential to the economy and should be given free rein, and I can understand their point of view. Companies selling popular products probably recognize the power of repeated exposure, without which even the most cutting-edge or easy-to-use items cannot translate into substantial sales figures. Workers in related businesses would also stress the importance of product promotion, as it creates a large number of jobs from graphic design to copy editing. Such economic benefits are, in my opinion, largely irrelevant to the average consumer, so allowing the full range of adverts to occupy people’s time and attention may not be in their best interest.
There are other people who argue against advertising mainly for the sense of inadequacy it generates, a position that I can side with. Researchers warn that doubling spending on advertising would result in a significant drop in life satisfaction, a sizable consequence even when compared with bad life events like divorce and unemployment. Apart from research findings, it is common experience to watch beautifully crafted advertisements and feel anxious about not being able to afford the lifestyle presented on screen. I think this fabricated sense of inspiration and constant social comparison can do emotional harm to the average person, rendering the economic benefits insignificant in the long run.
To conclude, despite the obvious financial gains that advertising brings, its negative impacts on our psychological wellbeing can be overwhelming for society, especially in the absence of any regulation or restriction. It is therefore crucial for government authorities, manufacturers and advertising agencies to work together to maximize the economic benefits while minimizing its social costs.
1.to expose sb to sth 使…暴露于/接触…
2.to raise public awareness 提升公众意识
3.to give sth free rein 放任自由
4.the most cutting-edge or easy-to-use items 最尖端或易用的商品
5.to translate into substantial sales figures 转化为可观的销售数字
6.financial contributions 财务贡献
7.sense of inadequacy 不足感
8.life satisfaction 生活满意度
9.fabricated 编造的
10.to render sth insignificant 使…不重要
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