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The spending on the development of technology of space exploration is not justifiable. They believe there are many beneficial ways to spend these money.
Agree or disagree?
其中的关键词在于:spending, space exploration, not justified, beneficial ways
Since human beings realized their power to harness nature and space, they are insatiably exploiting the outside world. However, there is a growing body of opinion that it is unjustified to invest public money in space but problems on the earth should be prioritized. I personally agree with this statement and will substantiate it in this essay.
Admittedly, outer space exploration may discover more resources and also expand human beings’ habitat in other planets, which could ensure humanity’s long term survival and wean the Earth off fossil fuels. It is acknowledged that the environment is so deteriorated that the Earth may become barren and not inhabitable any more. However, more detrimental impacts might be exerted to either individuals or the whole society. Space research, which is not a necessary but a desire, requires long term commitments and tremendous running expenses yet can not be rewarded in a short time. A wealth of information shows space shuttle disasters and how NASA failed on some of its missions risking the lives of astronauts.
On the other hand, more urgent issues on the Earth could be devoted by the authorities to benefit the whole society. In some remote areas, there still remain large numbers of people deprived of lives by poverty and famine. Compared with creating more possibilities for the future of mankind, of more significance is the government’s budgets to ameliorate the situation. Moreover, the severe environment contamination such as climate change, global warming and acrid rain would undoubtedly threaten wholesomeness of citizens without being reversed effectively. Therefore, the politicians should help alleviate poverty and improve health by curing, preventing and managing all illnesses in terms of financial support.
In conclusion, despite of some progress achieved by space research, a balance should be maintained in the governmental budgets until humans have addressed those more essential problems of the globe.
are insatiably exploiting 贪婪地开发
be prioritized 被优先考虑
substantiate 证实
admittedly 确实
deteriorated 恶化的
barren and inhabitable 贫瘠的和不宜居的
long term commitments 长期的努力
tremendous running expenses 巨大的运营费用
deprived of 剥夺
wholesomeness of citizens 公民健康
there is a growing body of opinion that 同位语从句
It is acknowledged that 主语从句
A wealth of information shows 事实举例论证
Compared with 对比论证
of more significance is it 倒装形式
would undoubtedly threaten 虚拟语气