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Part 2
Describe a program you like to watch
You should say:
What it is
What it is about
Who you watch it with
And explain why you like to watch it
Well, Iam gonna describe a TV program that I have watched for a couple of times - Prison Break. It has been rated as one of the classic and highest score TV programs. I remember the first time I watched it was like in middle school, when I was pretty interested in English and it was a good material for me to pick up the language. Every now and then, I watch it to kill my time.
As for what it is about? The name just reveals its content. The story is about Michael Scofield, the hero, rescuing his wrongly blamed bother Lincoln Burrows. He is a talented architectural engineer, while his brother is loafer who's been set up by an organization called ‘company'. The whole story is about how his talented brother goes into the prison by deliberately committing a crime and break out the prison with his brother by tattooing the whole plan on his body. Well, actually what I just told you is a tip of iceberg of this impressive TV program. I wish I had more time to share it with you.
I often watch this myself on Netease, which is like Netflix in the US. I believe the reason I enjoy watching this is that it can always give me a sense of excitement and mystery even if I clearly know what it is going to happen in every episode. And maybe that's also why it is said to be the best and the forerunner of American TV programs.
Part 3
(1)What programs do people like to watch in your country?
Well, there are plenty of programs that people like to watch in China. Like girls, they particularly enjoy watching whatever the latest TV programs with those handsome boys. For boys, we prefer watching action movies. Now, you know, the online streaming is quite popular in China, like food blogger, travel blogger and so on. Young people like to spend their time on that. Yeah, that's all I can think of.
(2)Do people in your country like to watch foreign TV programs?
Yeah, I believe now we are living in the internet world. I mean everything about movies or new TV programs around the world, as long as it's released, we can watch anytime anywhere. Like the Games of Thrones, which is so popular like two years ago, released its last episode 8. Netitizens in China love to watch this kind of epic and magical series. Besides, South Korean reality shows are the top choices for many girls to watch cause many of their favorite idols are likely to attend these shows.
(3)What's the benefit of letting kids watch animal videos than visiting zoos?
Well, let me see. Watching animal videos rather than visiting zoos have a couple of advantages. The first one that I can think of is because kids are actually easy to feel afraid if they see animals in person, so watching them by videos could act as a safer way for them to feel dangers for better preparation for going to the zoos later in life. And considering the Covid pandemic recently, it is also a safer way of seeing animals at the same time while avoiding contacting with other people.
(4)Do teachers play videos in class in your country?
Well, from my personal experience, we did not have a chance to watch videos in class like 10 years ago, cause our teachers paid great attention to our study, fearing that videos could be a distraction. But now, I believe most of the classrooms in cities are equipped with projector and some other high-tech devices, so teachers are likely to use help from videos to better deliver their classes. Still, not all schools are well fitted with video-playing devices, it is hard to say all teachers will play videos in class.
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Nancy学姐发布于2024-10-2610月26日考试回忆 | 雅思听力难度大增!这类题型是“罪魁祸首”,硬核攻略书快来领!